We still did our "camp out" Christmas at the house in Edmond (since that's where the tree and presents were!) even though we were under the weather. Heathen son slept on a blow-up air mattress loaned to us by some camping friends, sweet son-in-law and heathen daughter (I've mentioned before that's an affectionate term but sweet hubby thought I should reiterate that for anyone who may have missed it!), along with darling grandbaby, slept in the queen size bed (that the home buyers are purchasing) and hubby and I slept upstairs in the bonus room on the sleeper sofa (also being purchased by the home buyers). We did that to try to stay away from the others as much as possible. I tried to tell the kids it wasn't good to be around us while we were sick and possibly contagious but they wouldn't have it since it was Christmas. :)
We watched a movie Christmas Eve night before padding off to bed. I have to admit the sleeper sofa was way more comfortable than I expected. Or maybe I was just sick enough not to notice. Oh well... it worked.
After the gifts were open and all the resultant trash gathered up, we headed out for the day. Later in the day we took in a movie (Anchorman II) before meeting back at Block 42 for a Christmas dinner (both plant-based and not for the carnivores in the group). With enough cold medicine in me to make me completely loopy, I made it through the day.
We went back to the house on Sunday to take down the tree and other Christmas decorations and do a final cleaning before our closing on January 7th. Now I admit that one of the things I've never really liked about Christmas is the aftermath. Not just all the gobs of torn wrapping paper and boxes and stuff... but just how sad everything seems once it's all over and it's ready to put it all away. Christmas trees that looked so proud with mounds of presents piled under them just look tired and wasted once they're gone. Am I the only one that feels that way? I bet not.
But wow, this time it really hit me. This would be the last Christmas in our house... no, in our HOME. The home we built... together. Granted we've only been in the house 2 1/2 years but we already had some great memories from it and we both loved everything about the house. Of course we did -- we made it exactly what we wanted. We poured ourselves into this house because, when we were building it, we had no idea we wouldn't be there for a very, very long time. And now, we'd probably never be there again.
As we worked on getting the house ready to be turned over to its new owners, I kept looking at all the empty rooms thinking about our time there and all the little extras we'd put into it - an outlet in the master closet so I wouldn't have to drag the ironing board out, jam switches in the closets and pantry so the light came on as soon as the door was opened, top down/bottom up blinds so we could always see our beautiful surroundings and still have privacy. I thought of all the things we'd miss from this home.
No more sitting on the patio with a cup of coffee in the mornings or a glass of wine in the evenings, watching the cardinals chase one another through the trees while listening to the creek flow by. We had the coolest lot. When we first moved in, several of our new neighbors came by to tell us they had "lot envy." LOL. If you'd seen the lot, you'd know why. I almost think the lot was better than the house (and the house is pretty awesome!).

When we were building the house I took pictures every time we stopped by. Looking at those pictures of empty rooms always made me happy because they were waiting to be filled with our belongings and our lives. Now the empty rooms seemed as sad as I felt.

We are set to close on the sale of the house next week and then it will be done. I couldn't be happier with our new downtown condo. And I know we've got an exciting year ahead of us as we learn to be downtowners. And I know this home will be full of promise for the new owners just like it was for us.
I've had so many people ask me if it's been hard to let go of so many of our things as we've gone through the downsizing process and I have to say that no, it really hasn't. But this final bit of letting go hasn't been the easiest.
Sometimes I guess it's just hard to say goodbye.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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