Yep, sweet hubby had a full set of Encyclopedia Brittanica his mom had bought for him and his sister back when they were kids (he's 50 now so that's been awhile!). They meant a lot to him because he knew it was a sacrifice his mom made for them to spend money she really didn't have in the hopes their educational future would be brighter. Considering his sister has a PhD and he has 5 degrees himself, I think it worked! :)
But we managed to let go of many of the things we'd held onto. We realized not having the things won't mean not having the memories that went with them. And now that it's all behind us, we both feel very unencumbered... lighter... freer. It's nice.
We didn't expect to sell ALL our furniture from our Edmond home in one weekend and we didn't expect to live in an empty house (except for a bed and the Christmas tree!) until we could move into the condo. But we managed.
And now we've been in the condo for one week. Last night actually marked the beginning of our second week here. And we're almost settled in to the point we can stop working and just live here. That feels really good.
Sweet hubby is so handy. I'm really not sure there is any kind of handyman task that he doesn't know how to do. I know he loves doing that kind of thing because it's so different from the job he gets paid to do. He really is brilliant and he can figure out how to do anything. It's fun to watch him work things out.
He has done quite a bit around the condo that just had to be done. Some of it, no one else would ever notice but HE would. Things like changing the screws on light switch plates because the paint had worn off them. Things like putting plates on the boxes where the speaker wires come out of the wall (and were hidden behind a cabinet). Things like adding a washer to the door latch plate
so the closet door stays closed. He changed the dryer door so that it opens on the same side as the washer. He's been a busy guy. :)
We spent a lot of time yesterday hanging things on the walls. Wow, what a difference that makes. I think we're seriously almost done with things inside the condo. Sweet hubby needs to go through things to get his garage in order and we need to sort through our closet and get that more organized. We thought we had weaned down our clothes enough but we need to trim a bit more.
So here's a look at how things have changed. Our living room in our Edmond home...

and our condo...

Our master bedroom in the house...

And in the condo...

And perhaps one of the biggest changes... here's what we used to see looking out into our backyard at the Edmond house...

and here is what we see now...

We're really happy with how things are looking inside the condo (and we know the view will just get prettier once spring arrives!) Maybe now, we can get out and start exploring our new downtown surroundings, which we haven't had a chance to do just yet. We have, however, already signed up for a bowling league that starts then end of January at Red Pin. Yep, we're ready to be downtowners. I even got new bowling shoes. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Block 42
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