After talking Friday night and Saturday morning about our move and how quickly we were going to need to be completely out of the house pretty much as soon as Christmas was over, sweet hubby got the idea that we should put ALL of our furniture (we were seriously selling pretty much everything in the entire house!) on Craigslist first thing Saturday morning (and when I say first thing I mean like 6:30 a.m. - yes, we are those dreaded morning people!).
I tried to tell him that I didn't think the timing was good... the roads were bad... no one in their right mind would get out on streets like that to go buy furniture, right? Uh, no. Apparently not. I think we must have had close to a dozen individual posts on Craigslist and almost immediately, the calls and texts started coming in. I was shocked. But honestly, we had some really great stuff we were selling...

It wasn't too much longer before the people who called and texted started showing up... and buying stuff... and leaving with it. Piece by piece all day Saturday and Sunday, our furniture departed until we were left with nothing but the barstools and Queen size bed (which the home buyers want), the rug on the living room floor and the Christmas tree. Well, technically we had a few more pieces but it was only because the people buying them hadn't picked them up yet. The house was pretty empty! Wow... I did NOT expect that to happen so quickly. Someone at work told me it was probably smart to sell before Christmas while people still had money. Maybe they have a point. :)

So now, in what seems like the blink of an eye, we're living in an empty house and won't move into the condo downtown until this coming weekend. It's going to be interesting, that's for sure. For one thing, we're sleeping in the guest room (formerly the heathen son's room) where the Queen size bed is because our King size bed in the master bedroom sold. That's different.
There's not only nothing left on the walls anywhere in the house but sweet hubby has already managed to fill/repair all the nail holes and touched up the paint! The walls look like there's never been anything on them!
We sat on the living room rug the other night to watch TV and I realized I had the perfect spot to wrap Christmas presents, so that's what I did. Now we have presents under the tree in the empty living room! :) It's pretty funny, really.
And speaking of Christmas, what were we going to do about Christmas now? We really didn't want to take the tree down (seriously, I never ever put up the tree until December 15th but this year I put it up early and we have to move! What the what?) only to put it up again at the condo.. what a pain. But have no fear, sweet hubby came up with a brilliant plan... we'll have a camp out Christmas at the house!
We're going to get air mattresses for the kids (heathen daughter, sweet son-in-law, precious grandbaby and heathen son) to sleep on (hubby and I still get the Queen bed, of course!). We'll have pillows to rest on and we'll order in pizza. Then we'll rent some movies and have popcorn and hot chocolate... maybe even a fire in the fireplace (for the last time). It should definitely be a memorable Christmas. :) When I told heathen daughter the plan she said "Why did we never do this when I lived at home?" LOL. Uh, maybe because we always had furniture?
Once the presents are opened Christmas morning and everything is cleaned up, we'll head downtown to the condo for Christmas dinner. I think it's going to be a great Christmas. Hope yours is, too! :)
Enjoying your blog. We did a similar down-sizing two years ago. But we didn't do as thorough of a "cleansing". You've inspired me to get back at it again.
ReplyDeleteCurious about what you did with the yearbooks.
I still have the yearbooks at the moment but we ran across someone who works at the middle school I went to (Harding). She said they'd love to have those yearbooks. Another friend I went to high school with said he'd love my high school year books so he could cut them apart and digitize them. I think I'm going to send them to him. :) It's definitely been an adventure! :)