Now here's the not-so-typical part of this weird weather pattern. The warm days this entire month have always been on the WEEKENDS - not in the middle of the week when everyone is at work and they can't be enjoyed but on the days when most people can get out, soak up the sunshine and, most of all probably, gear up for the really cold temps coming back in the next day or two. Still, it's been great and it's allowed us the chance to get out and explore our new downtown neighborhood.
I posted a few weeks ago about our great weekend lunching, exploring the canal, going bowling and seeing a movie. We packed a lot into that weekend for sure but we didn't stop there. A couple weekends ago we made it over to the OKC Museum of Art. We recently purchased a membership because we're really looking forward to their "Art After 5" evenings where, on Thursday nights each week from April to October, you can check out the exhibits and then have drinks and appetizers on the beautiful rooftop garden. What fun!

We saw some really awesome temporary exhibits while we were there this time as well as the permanent Dale Chihuly glass exhibit. It's magical. If you haven't seen it, you really should.

Here is Lisa Hoke's exhibit but the picture really doesn't do it justice... maybe the video will:

After our visit to the museum, we stopped at the Ronald Norick downtown library to get our library cards (I have no idea where mine went but it's been years since I had a library so close...). What a neat place that is, too...

Last weekend we headed off to the beach for a few days (with my book from the library!) so, even though we heard it was beautiful weather here at home, we weren't around for it. Today, however, we're faced with yet another gorgeous Saturday and we have plans to get out and about in just a bit (I'm patiently waiting for sweet hubby to finish his latest project in one of the closets but I think he's almost done.)
So the first stop will be the library to return our book and audio book and then we're going to go check out the Crystal Bridge at the Myriad Gardens. There's not much room here at the condo on our little balcony to have many plants and I just love plants and flowers. I'm used to having a patio overflowing with them so that's something I'll miss. I told hubby we need to get a membership to the Crystal Bridge so I can go visit plants and flowers whenever I need to. :) That should work. Plus I won't have to worry about them, water them or weed them! Bonus!

It will be really cool in just a couple months to be able to walk over to the Myriad Gardens for the Spring Arts Festival when it's here. I bet we'll go every day it's open since it will be so easy.
And speaking of plants, one of my new buddies from the Urban Neighbors group is working hard to start a community garden. I think it may end up being in Midtown instead of downtown proper but that will be close enough. I'm excited at that idea. Can't wait to see how that comes along.
Another stop we're planning is the downtown YMCA. Sweet hubby used to have a membership there years ago but I've never been. It's just a block and a half from the condo so it will be nice to have that within walking distance, too. We definitely need to join that so we can stay in shape for all our exploring!
A friend of mine who lives in California has been keeping up with our downsizing efforts and posted a really cool link on Facebook last night about a couple who built a home that's only 700 sf and very efficient. She said it reminded her of us. :)
We didn't take it quite as far as they did since we have 500 sf more than they do but we don't have a big yard to take care of like they do, either. I really think having more free time is so worth all the effort it took to get to this point and I really couldn't be happier with how everything has turned out.... getting to spend awesome time with my sweet hubby every weekend (his little projects really are little things he's doing because he wants to, not because he has to)... being able to clean the entire condo in 30 minutes instead of hours... no yard work whatsoever. It's great. And the 1200 sf we have is perfect... the rooms are large enough to not feel cramped at all and we even have a spare bedroom and a second bathroom. What more could we need?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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