Monday was our conference, which went really well with the exception of our last speaker. He was truly every meeting planner's worst nightmare... I still shudder when I think about it. However, we've had no serious complaints about his inappropriate, off-color, offensive jokes... nope, only lots and lots of people having a good time teasing me about it. :) All the really great meetings I've planned, all the terrific speakers I've lined up over the years... this is the one I'll be remembered for. Sigh... aw, well. I guess those broad shoulders I've got will be put to good use. Too bad I can't say the same thing for these broad hips! :)

Monday evening we had our legislative reception at the Cowboy Hall of Fame. Yes, I know it's now called the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum... but if you grew up in OKC, it will always be the Cowboy Hall of Fame. That went well, too, and gave everyone who had been at the meeting a good chance to give me a hard time about that speaker.

Tuesday we had our board meeting and that was a full house. Tuesday night we got to go bowling with our Urban Neighbors Bowling league at Red Pin. We timed how long it takes to get there from our condo... all of 3 minutes. Wow. That's too cool. Of course we found out this week that we want to get there early because we had to park pretty far away. We ended up parked on the east end of Toby's, pretty far from Red Pin. But it all worked out and we had a great time. I'd been really worried that we would bowl so badly that no one would want us on the league. However, it didn't take us long that first night to realize we really don't have any serious bowlers, we just have a bunch of people who want to have fun together. That's pretty awesome.

Wednesday I drove to Vinita, way up in the northeast part of the state... a good hour past Tulsa. Got home just in time for sweet hubby and me to head off to a wine tasting at Paseo Art Studio. Not quite a downtown event, but not too far away. After the wine tasting, we just crossed the street to Paseo Grill for dinner. Oh. My. Gosh. Was that ever delicious! We weren't super hungry so we opted for salads and appetizers - hummus, olive spread and pita bread and an order of edamame. It was really good. We'll definitely have to do that again.

Today (Thursday), I had 92 people signed up to be at a class for new employees and new directors of the co-ops across the state. Even with 6 people not showing up, we still had the biggest class ever. I'm really glad we have a large training center we can use for things like that. It will be really nice when the new building we're building is finished and we'll have even nice training space for these groups. I told the class I'd learned a long time ago the success of any meeting I planned was based on two things -- how well I fed them and how early I could get them out. Today, I was two for two. We had a wonderful lunch from Ted's Escondido Cafe and we ended about 15 minutes earlier than the agenda said we would. I think they all left happy.

So now I'm home and faced with a 3 day weekend... and the weather is supposed to be beautiful. Hooray! I love it that all the nice days in the last month or two have all been on the weekends. That's so unusual, but I'll definitely take it.
I think we're going to swing by OKCMOA tomorrow evening to see the animated short films that have been nominated for Academy Awards. Shelley, one of our new friends from Urban Neighbors, invited us when we were bowling the other night. That sounds like an interesting evening. It's Valentine's Day tomorrow but sweet hubby and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. I would so much rather him tell/show me he loves me of his own volition than because someone says he has to. He will always be my Valentine but I love it when he does something special for me because it's a Tuesday... not because it's Valentine's Day. Still, I'll love spending the evening with him no matter what day it is.

I'm off work tomorrow and I think I'll start the day by heading the Y. We joined the downtown Y, just a couple blocks from our condo, earlier this month but I haven't had a chance to go yet because of the crazy weather we've had. I've got a haircut appointment at noon and I may do a little shopping tomorrow afternoon. I'm not a huge shopping fan but I'm sure tired of wearing all the same clothes lately... so we'll see.
Not sure what we'll do on this beautiful weekend... both Saturday and Sunday are supposed to be in the 70s. I hope we'll be able to get out and roam around downtown. There's still so much to learn about what's available down here... I think getting out and about is the best way to find stuff.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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