Their website says they're for neighbors, by neighbors. It also says they're dedicated to fostering quality residential living in downtown Oklahoma City and they do that through positive interactive meetings, social events, and issue-oriented dialogue and activities. Hmmm, sounds like something we would be interested in. I signed up for their newsletter and their email alerts.
Just a couple days later I got one of those email alerts letting me know about the final 2013 wine dinner planned at Stella's in midtown. I ran the idea by sweet hubby and he thought it sounded great (uh, hello... it was a WINE dinner, duh!), so I emailed them to let them know we weren't technically urban neighbors just yet but would like to come if they had room. Got an almost-instant response telling us to come! Hooray! (they're obviously smart people, huh? :))

Last night was the night so we were off to Stella's for our first Urban Neighbors event. No idea what to expect really but we were excited. And wow, were we ever right to be excited! What a fun group they were! Looks like there are some great people living downtown. We met people who live all over downtown -- as I've said in this blog before, there are plenty of choices for living downtown. Not something I would have imagined 10 years ago, that's for sure. We met people from Park Harvey, Sycamore Square, Avana Arts and we even met our upstairs neighbor (she lives in the condo directly above the one we'll live in) from Block 42. How cool is that?
Everyone was very friendly and welcoming. They encouraged us to participate in all their events -- quarterly dinners and monthly socials. Their November social is next week at Artspace at Untitled ( I'd never heard of this place but when I looked it up it looks pretty cool! I think we'll definitely try to make it. Artspace at Untitled is within a short walking distance of our new condo, so that will be really awesome once we're actually downtown.
A big thanks to Monty, Shelly & John and Francie for helping us feel so welcome and for making us really look forward to future Urban Neighbors events. Can't wait to get to know all of them better.
We're really looking forward to being downtown for the holidays. We should be moved in by mid-December. So much going on downtown then... and it should be so pretty, too.

The garage sale is all set for this weekend and we'll hopefully be that much closer to our downsizing goals by then. Come by if you get the chance - lots of great stuff! I may even share a mimosa (a garage sale tradition) with you. :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Welcome to Downtown OKC! What a great pleasure to get to know you a bit and hear of your big plans for a downtown adventure; we too have embarked on such an adventure and don't look back! See you Thursday, Shelley and John